The Students Council is a student body recognized by the University and consists of student representatives from various classes as well as from NSS and cultural committee. The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out college activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to college spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the student body. It will be the responsibility of the Council to ensure that all events, activities and interactions on campus are conducted in a manner acceptable to the culture and norms of the university.

It will be the responsibility of the Council to ensure that all events, activities and interactions on campus are conducted in a manner acceptable to the culture and norms of the university. Apart from being the link between the students and the management, the Student Council will be responsible for the brand enhancement of the campus and will constantly strive towards making the experience of the student on campus comfortable and enriching.

Students’ Council Formation year 2023-2024

As per the status of Maharashtra University Act 1994, the Student’s Council for the academic year 2023-24 has been formed and following are members of the student’s council:

Sr. No. Name of the member Class Position
1. Mr.Shubham Singh TY BAF General Secretary
2. Ms.Riya Seniar M.Com I Class Representative
3. Ms.Aradhana Dubey TY Class Representative
4. Ms.Pooja Chalegiri TY BMS Class Representative
5. Ms.Shruti Namdev TY BBI Class Representative
6. Mr.Nilesh Singh TY BAF Class Representative
7. Mr.Sandeep Rathod SY Class Representative
8. Ms.Aarti Gogurla SY BMS Class Representative
9. Mr.Rohit Chavan SY BBI Class Representative
10. Mr.Omkar Chukka SY BAF Class Representative
11. Ms.Vedika Zope FY B.Com Class Representative
12. Ms.Ashwini Rabad FY BMS Class Representative
13. Mr.Saharsh Shukla FYBBI Class Representative
14. Mr.Milind Kadam FY BAF Class Representative
15. Ms.Sargam  Maurya TY BAF Cultural Representative
16. Mr. Pritesh  Tiwari TY BAF Sport Representative
17. Ms.Karuna Dasari TY B.Com NSS Representative
18. Ms.Shruti Lodaya TY.BBI Lady Representative
19. Ms.Diksha Apte FY BMS Lady Representative
20. Mr. Tanish Basutkar TY BMS Member
21. Ms.Kiran Rawat FY BMS Member

Activities Conducted (2023-24)

  1. University Youth Festival

Every year our College student participates in Mumbai University Youth Festival. This year we have participated in Fine Arts and performing art events. Total  participation  6 group events and 18 individual events.

  • Hindi Skit won consolation prize
  • Mono acting event (Hindi) won Consolation prize ( Zonal round)

2. Vibration Week

In  December Vibration Week is celebrated as Talent Hunt week.

In this week following activities were conducted.

  • Hair & Make up competition,
  • Rangoli competition,
  • Egg and stone painting,
  • Personality contest, Acting competition,
  • Traditional competition
  • Reel karo feel karo competition
  • Best duo competition
  • Garba Raas

Students participated enthusiastically.

3 . Annual Prize Distribution

On 16 th January 2024 Tarang” Annual prize distribution ceremony was conducted in Savitribai Phule Hall.  Academic prizes for the year 2022-23 were awarded.

4. Best Luck Party

On 19 March 2024 best luck party was arranged for TY BAF,BCOM,BBI,BMS & MCOM Classes.