Rules & Regulations

  • Students must attend lectures, practicals, tutorials, etc. as per the Time Table. They must not abstain themselves from classes, practicals, tutorials, examinations etc. without written permission of the Principal. Students whose attendance, progress in various tests and examinations is not satisfactory and who do not perform the required number of tutorials and / or practicals are likely to lose their terms.

  • Students who do not submit compulsory project work in subject are likely to lose their term. Prolonged absence even on grounds of ill health may also lead to loss of terms. Defaulters will not be sent for University Examinations.

  • Every Student must wear the Identity Card as long as he/she is on the College Campus. It must be produced by the student whenever demanded by a member of the teaching or non-teaching staff of the College. He/She must take proper care to avoid its misuse by other students and outsiders. In case the Identity Card is lost, the matter should be immediately reported to the Principal and an application should be made for a duplicate Identity Card which will be issued on payment of charges.

  • No society or Association shall be formed in the College and no person should be invited in the College campus without the specific permission of the Principal. The Principal has a right to refuse such permission.