1. Students of F.Y.J.C. have to appear for 4 exams in an academic year
  2. Every student is expected to secure a minimum of 35 % marks in every subject to pass the academic year
  3. The final result of the XI standard exams is based on the average marks secured in all the 4 exams.
Marks Alloted
Semester l 1st Unit 25
1st Term 50
Semester ll 2nd Unit 25
2nd Term 80
Orals/Practicals 20
Total 200
Average Marks 200/2 = 100

4. Physical Education
50 marks = 25 marks( written) + 25 marks ( Practical)

5. Environmental Education
50 marks = 30 marks( written) + 20 marks(Project)

Marks of Physical /Environmental Education will be converted into grades.


The college conducts a unit Test, a terminal exam and two Preliminary Exam for all the XII Std students. The HSC Board Exam is conducted at the end of the academic year as per the schedule declared by the Maharashtra state board of education. The Environmental Education and Physical Education Exam are conducted by the college and the grades are conveyed to the board.